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2024 Holiday Tank Contest

Writer's picture: The Goldfish Council The Goldfish Council


Over the Holidays, we decided to try a goldfish tank beauty contest. One winner for a Holiday Theme and one for a tank with plants (a classic). Asher Lu, owner of Luminous Goldfish and sponsor of The Goldfish Council LLC. Provided the gift certificates. Asher’s California business is known for domestically raised Chinese Ranchu and more recently Orandas.  Asher has been a longtime supporter of the TGC, historically sponsoring a grow out event.




Above Asher Lu at his new facility in Clovis Ca.




Category 1: Holiday Themed Tank:

 Our winner of this category is Julie Morton-Marczak. Julie is a long-time keeper of exquisite goldfish and been on our Board of Directors for a very long time. Julie is a key moderator on the Chat page on Facebook. Largely she has been tasked with our very successful screening approvals for new membership on our page. Here is a brief description of the tank.



As Julie says:


My 75-gallon tank was Chanukah themed. Since Chanukah is called the Festival of Lights, I figured string multiple LED lights with little menorahs was appropriate. I also put inside a ceramic menorah and a ceramic Star of David. There were also multiple colored fish safe dreidels scattered around the tank for the spinning pleasure and entertainment of the fish. The fish in this tank were from Zhao’s Fancy Goldfish which enhanced the colors of the tank. Lastly, I included a large LED menorah on top of the tank and wooden one as well. This was one of the most fun times I had decorating a tank.


 Julie Morton Marczak, master keeper/board member



Category 2 Classic Planted Tank:

 Our winner is Gary Hater, when he was notified, he was worried that he won, he said “looks bad for the Founder to win!”.” I told him the rules of our organization are clear and free from politics, said Joshua McWilliams. We had several entries. So, if people choose to not enter too bad. Gary founded The Goldfish Council LLC a nonprofit charity. He was also our first president and continues to work hard for our organization.


His category 2, tank entry has been featured in several posts over the years. It has been up and running for over 9 years. The tank features Anubias, various Cryptocrenes and Java Fern. The entry has Rainbows, English Veiltails, guppies and Hill stream Loaches.  Filtration is two large Aquaclears and the gravel is pea gravel form Lowes. Tank is heated to 72F (22.2C).


  Gary Hater, Founder of The Goldfish Council and past President




As Chairman of Judges, Joshua McWilliams selected a floral designer to judge this tank event. He chose, Jessica Newcomb. Jessica has been in the floral industry her entire life. She owns a fourth-generation florist business that has been around for 98 years, Piepmeier Florist Inc.

Honorable Mentions

Michelle Tran-  planted
Michelle Tran- planted
Ted Juntado - planted
Ted Juntado - planted
Gina Hechinger - holiday
Gina Hechinger - holiday

Gary Hater - holiday
Gary Hater - holiday

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