Good Morning!
The Goldfish Council continues to add blogs to the web site, Today I am especially excited as our Board member and and Director for Canada, Ted Tai, has posted a really cool review of shopping for for fish in Canada,, Ted and his cousin Billy have been testing the retail Toronto fish market for decades. His bog this week is kind of a “Where to Go in Toronto” and also adds some mail order information. Both Ted and Billy are certified judges. Ted ( top left on this pages banner) is famous for his efforts with Crown Pearlscales and Jikin and Billy a very experienced breeder of Ryukin and Blue Egg Phoenix. We have been friends for almost 20 years, great knowledge base for our Canadian hobbyists. Enjoy the read! Ted Tai (on right) is also featured in the picture below with Bio Dang.
Monday night at 8 PM EST, will mark the opening of our next auction. Please tune in and bid them up. It promises to be very unique with some great specimens.
Thanks again for your support! Source