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Good afternoon, Here in Ohio, the world is grey, rainy, icy, snowy and indoors…


Good afternoon,

Here in Ohio, the world is grey, rainy, icy, snowy and indoors, full of fry! The fry keep me going on miserable days like today. Fry raising in North America has changed abruptly since early 2017. Since the 1980’s and before, most serious hobbyist hatched and raised baby brine shrimp for feeding to the fry. At some point we would start crushing up flake food and then gradually move to gel food and micro pellets. For some of us, we had read about feeding eggs, but couldn’t put a finger on the “how to”. In early 2017, a guy in Australia ( Ranchu Jeff), was on Face Book feeding steamed eggs. After some correspondence and some testing, North American breeders went nuts with trials, formulas, and observations. Now, we have a new standard, steamed eggs are fed routinely when fry become two weeks old. Also, we have experimented with Golden Pearls as a supplement and started that feeding as early as day 2. Golden Pearls is a micro encapsulated feed that comes in distinct micron (u or um) sizes. these sizes range from 5u to 900u. The end results are pretty cool, large fry in a month, with great body depth and decreased live brine shrimp cost and usage. Pictures are below.

Big News! Great News! — Hold the DATES

Our friend Kevin Pham has agreed to host West Coast Goldfish Palooza III, on June 21-23, 2019 in San Jose, CA. PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS!. Mark Rausa has agreed to be Event Chairman again this year. Detailed announcement to follow soon.

Rob Crosby, Gage Harford, Gary Hater, Joshua McWilliams, Julie Mark are part of the committee. Consider jumping on the committee!

It is going to be much better and bigger than last year!

Gary Hater – Founder The Goldfish Council

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