Andrew Moyer
Junior Board Member
My name is Andrew Moyer. I live in Dayton, Ohio and lived in Englewood Florida I work for MPC as a fuel transportation specialist. Making the world go around. I first got into The aquarium hobby when 11 years old when Greg Rau sold me black angelfish and clown loaches and have since moved into a fish room with 19 tanks consisting of discus, killifish, plecos, other catfish and Rams. Recently moved into Goldfish, I have are Philadelphia's Veiltails, Ranchu and blue Shonka Moors that I received from Gary Hater. I am competing in the 2024 Bristol Shubunkin grow out. With Greg and Gary as friends/mentors, I am moving into breeding goldfish. Adding several tub ponds to my set up this year. My main hobby goal is to expand the hobby to the younger generations, starting with my nieces and nephews