Bristol Shubunkin
The Bristol Shubunkin was developed in the United Kingdom. The ancestral fish are believed to be a combination of the Japanese Shubunkin and a black Moor or Demekin. Two variations are in existence today: the heart shaped tail, sometimes referred to as the “Classic Bristol” and the B shaped tail often called theModern Bristol. The heart shaped tail or “Classic” was introduced in the United States during the 1980’s. The “B” shaped tail was also developed in the UK. Due to changing importation laws, the “Modern Bristol” tail is relatively rare in North America, so The Goldfish Council recognizes and allows both tail and body shapes
The above illustration is theModern Bristol. In general, these newer fish have thicker peduncles, are slightly shorter (and carry their fins more erect, Merlin Cunliffe 2016.
The above illustration is the Classic Bristol. This fish is longer and the peduncle is thinner than the Modern Bristol . In the United States both varieties compete in the same class unless the judge separates them into two sub-classes, Merlin Cunliffe 2016.
Breed Details
Bristol’s are active fish grow exceedingly large. Ten inch (25 centimeter fish are not uncommon. Lake and pond raised specimens acquire approximately 15 inches in length.
Only Calico (nacreous) fish are available for exhibition. Metallic scaled fishes are under development in North America and in England. At this point and time, this variety is not recognized or available.
Color morphs include red/black, red/blue/black, orange/black, blue/black/blue and white/black. Bristol’s are well known for their breeding lines containing a guanine deficiency commonly called “blue belly”. Guanine is the silver reflective material that typically prevents the aquarist from seeing the color beyond the scales. The presence of this mutation allows for pastel coloration that is provided because of the transparent scales, non guanine containing scales. Also, because of the guanine mutation, it is ordinary to have normal eyes and button eyes in these fish. It is not uncommon to have one eye of each type.
“The Bristol Shubunkin standard is as follows:
Depth of body to be between 3/7ths and 3/8ths of body length
Pectoral and pelvic fins to be paired, dorsal and anal fins to be single
Caudal fin to be single and well spread with rounded contours
Body to be smooth not angular
At least 25% of the body to be blue
Minimum body length to be 7.5 cm (3 inches)
Only calico fish to be shown, metallic variations are not considered Bristol’s.
The fish should be bright and alert with the caudal fin carried high without drooping or folding. The body should be long and slender with a smooth outline. Quality fish will have a high color intensity with the pigment extending into the fins.
Color: a show fish will have a blue background with patches of violet, red, orange, yellow and brown, spotted with black”1.
The tail can be quite tall obtaining the equivalent of ½ the body length. While this is attractive when the fish are less than a year old, extremely tall tails result in the tail and dorsal fin folding over as the fish age. In order to maintain a rigid and upright tail, breeders select fish with perfect “B” shaped tails that are quite small when the fish color up at 10-12 weeks old. The tail continues to grow as the fish get larger in length, resulting folded fins if early selection is not done correctly. Older fish often do not exhibit well due to this attribute.
The Bristol’s should contain black speckles and there should be black pigment in all of the fins.
The preferred color morph is a blue and black speckled fish with one or more bright red patch. Some judges prefer this red to be located in the head area.
Bristol’s come from a relatively small population. Inbreeding symptoms occasionally show up in adult fish. Typical disqualifications include: a twisted mouth or a turned down moth (carp mouth).
1 Paragraph was modified from the Bristol Aquarium Society
Maximum points that may be awarded are as follows:Body Color25Body Shape20Fin Shape20Fin Color15Overall Condition10Deportment10100
Body Color 75% blue,15%black, 10% red2565% blue, 35% black, red/other 1052250% blue, 25% black, 25% other2025% blue, 25%black, 50% other15-200% blue<12
Body ShapeClassicLength of peduncle not more than four times body height.20ClassicTop of fish is curved, not flat.20ModernLength of peduncle 3 to 4 times the height.20ModernTop of fish curved, not flat.20
Fin Shape ClassicDorsal fish compact and erect,
Tail length is approx. 35% the body length, heart shaped.20ClassicDorsal or tail fins abnormally long, >35% of body15ClassicTail fins > 35% body length, or tail or dorsal fin folded or flopped over when fish at rest.10ModernDorsal fin short and compact, tail is more “B” shaped than heart shaped, peduncle thick and tail height about 35% of body length.20ModernDorsal or tail fins abnormally long > 40% of the body, and/or peduncle weak.15ModernTail fins > 35% body length, or tail or dorsal finned folded or flopped over when fish at rest.10
Fin Color All fins are black, black striped or speckled.15Dorsal or any fin lobe does not match with black pattern.12Fin or fins are clear.10
Overall condition: fish should be active and swimming, eyes should not be dull, fins should not have streaks, deduct 2-5 points for any of these conditions.
Deportment: fish should carry it’s fins gracefully; bottom scooting is a negative five points. Due to Bristol’s long life span, deportment can be compromised when judging an older fish.