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Hibuna (western common goldfish)


The colored common goldfish is documented in China in the Tsing Dynasty about 265 AD. For the next several centuries the basic fundamentals of colored goldfish and the evolution of numerous mutations were initially discovered and reproduced. Most of the Hibuna market is now in the world of feeder fish, but many people use these, as carefree pond fish and most people remember these from their childhood as prizes at festivals. The fish are extremely hardy and exist in many colors. The Common continues to dazzle people with its’ vibrant color and hardiness.

The illustration(s) above is from the Merlin Cunliffe collection, Merlin Cunliffe2016.

Breed Development

The fish are robust and always have erect fins. Body can be as long as 12”, in small back yard back yard ponds 6-9” total length is common. Fins are short and compact. Since most of these fish come to us as feeders or festival prizes, the fish are sometimes misshapen because of their early captivity. In order to compete in a show, the fish must be brightly colored and vigorous.


Every large show has some of these historical specimens. While respected for their heritage, they are often not in the top tier of the fish finalist because of their simplicity.

Maximum points awards are as follows; 25Body Shape20Fin Shape20Fin Color15Overall Condition10Deportment10100

Typical point ratings based on variation or imperfections, below.

Body ColorBrightly colored metallic, and not faded25Uncolored fish (wild type)15

Body ShapeBody height 3-3.5 times the length to base of peduncle20Fish too long or thin10-15Fish too short10-15Fish has a hump<10

Fin ShapeSmooth edges not pointed15Stand-alone fin rays5Anal and pectoral fins are approximately matched15

Fin ColorFins are call colored15Fins are transparent10-12Fins are a mixture of solid colored and transparent9-11

Overall ConditionFins are perfectly matched and are clear.10Fins are split, torn or have eroded edges.5Eyes are cloudy5Damaged or missing scales3

Deportment1Fish is swimming, active and fins do not collapse10Bottom sitting0-5Head Standing0-5

1In some cases the exhibition tank size may artificially interrupt the deportment, judge may ignore the table above in some instances.

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